Google Maps API/Google Earth APIs Terms of Service updated - you should know

Google Maps API/Google Earth APIs Terms of Service updated - you should know

Google Maps API/Google Earth APIs Terms of Service updated with a number of notable changes.

Developers are now permitted to use the Static Maps API outside of a web browser. Developers of mobile apps that are sold for a fee through an online store such as the Android Market and Apple App Store no longer require a Google Maps API Premier license. This brings the Terms of the web based Maps APIs into line with the Terms of the Android Maps API and iOS SDK.

There are also a number of changes that relate to advertising and usage limits. It is required that any new Maps API applications going forward display any advertising delivered in the maps imagery, unless the site concerned has a Google Maps API Premier license. The opt-out from displaying such advertising that was offered in earlier versions of the Terms will continue to apply to any existing Maps API applications...

...and much more.

If you are developing, will develop Android App using Google Maps API, you should read it.
- Google Geo Developers Blog - Updates to the Google Maps API/Google Earth APIs Terms of Service.